Suhwoo Ahn is an assistant professor in the School of Media and Advertising at Kookmin University in Seoul.

Suhwoo’s research centers on how the media shape attitudes and beliefs about the political world, for better or for worse. This connects his work on political media use to misinformation. Specifically, he is interested in a) the mechanisms underlying selection behavior and cognitive processing of pro- and counter-attitudinal news, b) the influence of political news consumption on animosity toward and beliefs in misinformation about opposing party members, and c) the effectiveness of communication strategies aimed at mitigating negative affect toward those with opposite viewpoints. He is also interested in applying computational methods in examining communication phenomena.

He was a postdoctoral researcher in the Minnesota Journalism Center at the Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Minnesota. He completed his PhD in Communication at Michigan State University. His work has led to scholarly publications in leading journals in the field, such as Journal of Communication, Communication Monographs, and Journal of Medical Internet Research. He employs various methods, including surveys, online experiments, natural language processing, and machine learning.